Why hate when you have Love Inside?

Hey guys!

Apologies for being inactive for so many days. Looks like It’s been ages since I posted any blogs. My 2020 goal definitely will be posting a blog weekly on various topics that interest me and for which I have a different point of views.

Today I felt like I should post something that concerns me strikingly. So it’s going to be about Netizens on posting hate/ abusive comments.

Social media is the platform where communication happens fast yet anonymous. It’s High time that it triggered me to write on this topic, where people who don’t know each other cusses one another awkwardly, just because to show their immense gratitude towards their favourite star/Political figure. Like seriously? By doing this they are only spreading negative vibes and hate on the internet.

It is like misusing the technologies that are developed for communication purposes. At some point, I really wonder if they have to be educated on how and where to communicate. Neither we can blame the celebrity nor the creators of technology. It is an individual who has to realise that they are just spreading hatred towards each other.

In reality, they don’t really have any sort of hatred towards each other. It is the blind love towards their most cherished person. The same amount of love can be given to the other person instead of cussing them and their favourite star. If one change definitely the other person will change and thus the Online decorum is maintained. And debating is okay and appreciated but it definitely should be a healthy one rather than an ugly fights. Also, because they have to realise what is on the internet today is going to stay forever and it will definitely affect the future generation.

Every person has love inside them. Instead of hate spread, love and don’t forget to maintain the online decorum because the world is watching you.

P.S: By writing this, people are going to say nothing is going to change just you are wasting time, but I will have an immense satisfaction if any random person at least tries to change the way they communicate.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this since I love healthy debates.



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