Dear MC’s!

So hey, everyone out there! Hope everyone is doing great. Finally after a decade of uncertain ideas, here comes my third blog. 

Disclaimer:  Strictly not to hurt or offend others point of view. 

Dear Unadorned Meme creators,

        You’ve always been an inspiration to many. Not only inspirational but also a catalyst. You never failed to amaze us with your way of expressing whats happening around. Most of the time I wonder, you deserve more for your creativity as well that can be blended in a productive way. 

And at this point, you may wonder why I’m bespeaking this all of a sudden. Well, everyone knows from past years memes are the stimulant to the number of problems, awareness, promotions etc. Exceptionally, some memes have bought certain change in our society and we all respect that. Today I was asked to fill a form regarding a survey on a study on how social media has created an impact on political personality in the form of memes. That made me think twice about those political memes.

We always have a habit of pinpointing others without even knowing the unalloyed truth and that isn’t a mortal sin. But then for political memes, we have to research every nook and corner from everywhere about the political body, since the sensitivity of the content may also lead to a chaos and misleads people mindset.

I came across a bags of meme which targets only defaming and criticising a political personality on whatever they do or react( I’m neither a supporter nor an opposer). But are you aware of what impact you are causing to the people who really don’t know much about politics? The bitter truth is you are just spreading misinformation.

We all know political system in India was corrupted long back and by creating a meme doesn’t alter a whole new ballgame. This is my whole perspective. And I’m not at all offending, it’s just that political meme nowadays is targeting on defaming which is not the right thing to do. 

We always wish for a better future. Giving voice for a right cause at right time, by the right path will either shatter the myth or make the loudest noise in the history.

“Believe nothing you hear, only half of what you see and everything you feel.” 

P.S: Comments &Criticisms are most welcome. And Do let me know your point of view about “how social media has created an impact on political personality in the form of memes.”


Thank Y’all.

With love,

Janani Ravikumar







2 thoughts on “Dear MC’s!

  1. Hey Janani,
    The habit of news feed scrolling in social medias has become a part of life now a days, a sensible article with words that made me to think a bit deep.Keep writing👏


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